There are a ton of different CSGO gambling sites on It can be hard to know which ones are legit and which ones aren't. There are a few things you can look for to help you figure it out. First, check to see if the site has a good reputation. You can do this by reading reviews from other users or by looking for complaints online. Second, make sure the site is properly licensed and regulated. This means that it should have a valid gambling license from a reputable jurisdiction. Finally, take a look at the terms and conditions of the site to see if there are any red flags. For example, some sites may require you to deposit more money than you're comfortable with or they may have high fees. If you keep these things in mind, you should be able to find a safe and reputable CSGO gambling site to play on.
Wyniki Finansowe -

Established by veterans of the Polish games development industry in 2011 to fuse an experienced and professional approach to game development with creativity and freedom enabled by operating as an independent studio.

Today CFG is a team of experienced specialists in all walks of gamedev life and talented newcomers full of energy and new, original perspectives. The company has been growing organically since its founding and believes in a sustainable and deliberate expansion.

Wyniki Finansowe

Wyszczególnienie 2022 2023 I półrocze 2024 r.*
Przychody netto ze sprzedaży 650 953,08 755 566,95 937 808,00
Zysk ze sprzedaży 73 702,55 123 898,81 531 670,34
Amortyzacja 10 450,24 10 291,86 3 643,62
EBIT 33 111,84 66 854,50 531 408,27
Zysk netto 15 408,08 35 342,74 484 114,39
Aktywa trwałe 10 822,18 8 049,84 4 406,22
Aktywa obrotowe 1 454 056,36 1 411 760,69 1 995 492,68
Zapasy 1 140 003,50 1 348 079,05 1 284 880,34
Należności krótkoterminowe 92 555,15 14 274,28 198 399,68
Środki pieniężne 177 954,03 615 614,29 510 079,75
Kapitał własny 1 405 713,48 1 441 056,22 1 925 170,61
Zobowiązania i rezerwy 16 869,39 21 049,98 74 728,29
Zobowiązania krótkoterminowe 16 869,39 14 049,98 74 728,29
Suma bilansowa 1 422 582,87 1 462 106,20 1 999 898,90

* dane szacunkowe, niezbadane przez biegłego rewidenta